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Execution Time: 6.31 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Random Acts of Kindness: Small Ways to Create Positive Change in Ourselves and Others

June 13, 2016 Daniel Anzueto NASPA
Never get tired of doing little things for others. For sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.

What does it feel like to receive a Random Act of Kindness (RAK)? It is kind of like finding the perfect parking spot when you get to campus; like showing up for a meeting and they have donuts; like waking up in the morning and realizing you still have an hour before your alarm!

Teaching Compassion: Small Gestures, Big Impact

Random Acts of Kindness can be found in the little moments between our busy days when people aren’t looking. When I worked on campus, one of my favorite experiences was making RAK cards with my Freshmen Experience class. I showed up to class and said, “Today, we are making other people’s days brighter!”—which initially earned me a good amount of eye rolls. However, after taking some time making cards, we walked around campus handing them out, and soon enough, the students really started to understand the value of this exercise. Once my students saw what a positive impact their small gestures were making on the people they interacted with, they really started to get into it. In fact, as soon as we got back to class, they started planning their next RAK Adventure.

The Compassion and Happiness Connection: Can Practicing Kindness Promote Student Wellbeing?

Often, when we’re stressed, our perspectives can become very narrow; we tend to focus more on ourselves and the negatives. By shifting our focus onto others, taking a moment to brighten up someone else’s day, we can start to feel a greater sense of purpose, meaning, and connection. Sometimes, stepping outside of ourselves gives us the perspective and connection we need. The benefits are not just psychological either. Studies show that practicing compassion and kindness may have other health benefits, too:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Greater social connectedness helps combat depression and feelings of isolation
  • Altruism increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone shown to lower blood pressure and lower the levels of stress hormones

How to Practice Kindness in Everyday Life

It was this small spark in my students that turned me into a RAKtivist, otherwise known as a kindness ambassador! Everyone has the potential to create positive change in the world, and students can lead the way by promoting kindness and compassion on campus and in the larger community.


There are many small ways to practice kindness, and these opportunities show up in our everyday life. February 17 marks the National Random Acts of Kindness Day, and even though that day has passed, try and take part in some Random Acts of Kindness all year long, and see what happens. Below are some simple ideas to start you off:

  • Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford.

  • Smile at someone on the street, just because.

  • Let someone into your lane. They’re probably in a rush just like you.

  • Write someone a letter. Like a real letter, on paper. And mail it!

  • Give someone a book you think they’d like!

  • Sincerely compliment your boss, who probably doesn’t often get feedback from their reports.

  • Listen intently.

  • When you hear the negative, discouraging voice in your head, remember to leave yourself alone – you deserve kindness too!

You can also find more resources at the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, in additional to more ideas for how to practice kindness. Plan a program with your students, start an initiative with your department, or just be go solo and be awesome! Find a way to connect with your community and bring some kindness. Share your RAKs with us by tagging @NASPAtweets and using #RAK16!

Related NASPA Events and Resources:

· Promoting Health and Wellness Among Students: OnDemand Starter Pack

· Conferences Dedicated to Improving Student Mental Health and Wellbeing: 2017 NASPA Mental Health Conference