What is #NASPAgives?

#NASPAgives is an annual fundraising campaign. The goal is to increase awareness about the NASPA Foundation among NASPA members of all levels, while also raising funds to support scholarships and research for the profession.

Why did the NASPA Foundation launch #NASPAgives?

Because we want to do more for you. The NASPA Foundation is a philanthropic organization – our impact depends on you. More donors making more gifts directly translates into more research and scholarship funding for the advancement of the student affairs profession.

How are the NASPA Regions involved?

Each NASPA Region has Foundation Ambassadors, who help promote #NASPAgives within the Region and at Regional events. Additionally, each Region has two goals for the current fiscal year - a dollar goal and a donor goal. Each Region that reaches its dollar goal and donor goal by June 30, will receive a $2,000 award from the NASPA Foundation to be used for grants or scholarships to support members in thier region. 


Who are the NASPA Foundation Ambassadors?
Region I
  • Rebecca Lindley, Director of Student Activities, Anna Maria College
  • Devin Kindred, Director of Residence Life & Student Conduct, American International College
Region II
  • Delmy Lendof, Vice President for Student Affairs, Pratt Institute
  • Usama Shaikh, Assistant Chief Diversity Officer, Stony Brook University
Region III
  • Justin Jeffery, Assistant VP of Student Affairs, Texas A&M University
  • Kristina Odejimi, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Emory University
Region IV-E
  • Christina Marie Olstad, Dean of Students, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Lisa Jackson, Interim Director of New Student Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Region IV-W
  • Austen Stephens, Interim Dean of Student Affairs, Chadron State College
  • Heidi Hoskins, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Bethel College-North Newton
Region V
  • Joanna Royce-Davis, Vice President for Student Life, Pacific Lutheran University
Region VI
  • DeEtte (Dee) Uwono Koik, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Sherry Mallory, Dean of Student Affairs, Revelle College, University of California-San Diego

Other questions?

Lucy Fort
Director, NASPA Foundation
202-265-7500 ext. 1171


What counts toward the #NASPAgives Regional goals?

ALL gifts made by individual NASPA members to the NASPA Foundation between July 1 and June 30 will count toward the Regional goals for the current fiscal year. This includes new pledges and Pillars of the Profession donations. Each donor will count once, even if they make multiple gifts. New in 2015-16, NASPA Regions have the option to direct special event proceeds (such as silent auction proceeds) to the Foundation and those funds will be counted toward DOLLAR goals.  Silent auction, Penny Wars, raffle and golf/event purchases will NOT count towards DONOR goals.

How will the Regional goals be tracked?

Each donation received by the NASPA Foundation will be tied to the donor’s Region (as assigned in the NASPA member database, typically based on the location of the organization/school to which your record is linked.)

How can I give to #NASPAgives?

Every gift during the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) will count for the #NASPAgives campaign. You’ll have the opportunity to give at various NASPA programs as well as the NASPA Annual Conference. You can also make a gift or pledge at naspa.org/foundation. Use either our online form or downloadable form.

How will I be recognized for my gift to #NASPAgives?

Your contribution exemplifies your commitment to the future of our profession. Your name will be listed on the NASPA Foundation website. All donors will receive a special button that recognizes your contribution to the #NASPAgives campaign at the NASPA Annual Conference.

What if I can only make a small gift?

That’s OK! #NASPAgives is all about participation – from the undergrad student to the most senior professional – everyone can get involved with #NASPAgives. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference!

I have a lot of demands on my resources. Why should I support #NASPAgives?

This ask is different, because we’re not asking for a “supposed to” gift - we’re asking for a “want to” gift. A gift from your passion. A gift that will shape the future of the student affairs profession. Higher education is being challenged on every front. Now, more than ever, it’s vital that we invest in the future of our profession and the critical role we play in student success. A gift to the NASPA Foundation celebrates our noble work as student affairs professionals.

What is the relationship between NASPA and the NASPA Foundation?

The NASPA Foundation is NASPA. The NASPA Foundation provides funding and support for the programs and initiatives that NASPA promotes. The relationship is comparable to that of the university and its development office. The development office raises the money, while the university sets the agenda and provides the services and programs. NASPA and the NASPA Foundation are governed by two separate boards of directors. They also have separate budgets.

May I designate a specific fund/conference/workshop for my donation?

We prefer undesignated gifts, as you do on your campus, as they give the NASPA Foundation the maximum flexibility to utilize the funds in ways that will best suit the initiatives of NASPA. However, you are welcome to designate your contribution to any of the Foundation’s restricted funds. All gifts ultimately support future student affairs leaders and/or build our knowledge through research.

Which fund(s) should I choose if I’m really interested in supporting:
  • NASPA’s highest priorities? NASPA Excellence Fund
  • Research? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, Ruth Strang Research Award
  • Undergrads? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, NUFP Scholarship, BACCHUS Scholarship
  • Graduate students? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, Jim Rhatigan Fellows, Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation of the Year
  • Young professionals? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation of the Year, Social Justice fund 
  • Mid-career professionals? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, Zenobia Hikes Memorial Award, Ruth Strang Research Award, George D. Kuh Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature and/or Research Award
  • Faculty? NASPA Excellence Fund, Research Fund, Shaffer Award, Ruth Strang Research Award, George D. Kuh Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature and/or Research Award
I’m already a member of the Diamond Club (President’s Circle, Foundation Circle, Heritage Society) - how does that tie in with #NASPAgives?

Once your Diamond Club (or higher) pledge is paid, you will always maintain your status as a Diamond Club (or higher) member. #NASPAgives counts gifts and donors in each fiscal year. If you make a new pledge or are still paying on a pledge, those pledge payments count toward your Regional goal, and you count as a donor – in the fiscal year(s) that you give. We encourage you to continue giving beyond the fulfillment of your Diamond Club pledge.

Can I make a multi-year pledge?

Absolutely! You can make a multi-year pledge and, in each year that you pay towards your pledge, that pledge payment will count toward your Regional dollar goal and you will count towards your Regional donor goal.