NASPA Alabama Inclusion Grant

Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Region III
Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

NASPA-AL Inclusion Grant: 2023-2024

NASPA-AL developed the Inclusion Grant in alignment with NASPA's guiding principle of inclusion to award financial support to institutions of higher education who are actively working to ensure access, voice, acknowledgement, opportunity and participation at all levels.The Inclusion Grant was developed in response to NASPA's strategic priority of Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice.

The selected team or individual can receive up to $2,000 for their grant project.

Submission Criteria:
  • Strengthen capacity in professional roles to recognize, challenge, and dismantle systemic barriers to improve postsecondary access and achievement for marginalized groups.
  • Open pathways throughout their Institution for equity-seeking, historically minoritized, and marginalized communities.
  • Collaborate on the development of evidence-based, innovative, inclusive, and socially just higher education policy and practices.

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Individual or team of individuals working at any level and at any institution type in the state of Alabama. All applicants or applicant teams must include at least one NASPA member.
  • All institution types in the state of Alabama are eligible to apply.
  • Each applicant's direct supervisor must sign off on the proposal.


2024-2025 Inclusion Grant Application Details


Fill out an application today!



  • August 2024- Call for Proposals

  • September 30, 2024- Application Submission Deadline

  • October 2024- Application Review to Select Finalists

  • November 2024- Finalist Interviews

  • December 2024- Grant Recipient Announced

  • January 2025- Grant Initiative Implementation; Grant recipients provide presentation on Project at NASPA-AL Drive-In Conference

Application Packet Materials: 

  • Applicant and Institutional Profile

  • Proposal Abstract (500 word limit): A succinct, yet comprehensive description of project goals and objectives, plan of work, intended outcomes, and measures of success

  • Inclusion Project Plan (2500 word limit): Should include a detailed description of the following:

- Objectives - What are the project goals, objectives, and learning outcomes?

- Significance - What is the project rationale? How is it significant and related to the NASPA strategic priority of equity, inclusion, and social justice?

- Design - What are the methods for achieving plan objectives, desired outcomes, and assessing plan objectives?

- Applicability and Transferability - How is the project applicable to challenges within and across campuses? What can other campuses take away from this project? How do you propose sharing your results?

- Inclusion - How does the project make something new, different, significantly improved, or enhanced in a creative way?

- Impact - How will this project imipact your campus' ability to develop and sustain a culture of inclusion?

- Management Plan & Budget: An outline of proposed activities and tasks related to the proposal with timelines and a budget detailing allocation of grant funds to specific plan expense items, including justification.


NASPA-AL Inclusion Grant Recipients


  • The University of West Alabama


  • The University of West Alabama


  • Birmingham Southern College


Previous Recipients