Outstanding Faculty Award

Administrators in Graduate and Professional Student Services Latinx/a/o Faculty
Application Deadline: October 15, 2021 | Award Type: knowledge community


This award is presented to a NASPA member that has contributed significant research and publication that promote the understanding of Latinx/a/o folks higher education.  This individual has stimulated the desire to learn in graduate or professional development environments and served as a role model to Latinx/a/o individuals in the higher education community. 

Past Recipients:

2022: Dra. Berenice Sánchez and Dr. Delma Ramos

2021: Dr. Tracy Arámbula Ballysingh and Dr. Antonio Duran 

2020: Dr. Crystal Garcia

2019: Dr. Marissa Vasquez

2018: Dr. David Perez II

2017: Dr. Judy Marquez Kiyama

2016: Dr. Alicia Fedelina Chávez

2015: Dr. Ignacio Hernández

2014: Dr. Michelle Espino

Presented By

Latin x a o