Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 4.34 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

#CLDE17: Join us for the Pre-conference Session: Measures That Matter

Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
April 21, 2017 KerryAnn O'Meara Director of UMD ADVANCE, University of Maryland, College Park

Over the last twenty years, we have seen incredible growth in student and faculty community engagement. Campuses have created and sustained architecture in the way of centers, curricular programs, and funding to support partnerships with the community. Despite this progress, many campuses still struggle with how to recruit, motivate, support and retain faculty involvement. A big reason is an academic reward, or as I like to call it “regard” system on our campuses for this work.

Years ago as a director of service-learning and community engagement I worked to support faculty initiating or trying to strengthen partnerships while also building academic careers. Then I became a faculty member myself and moved up the academic leader. Along the way I have studied this issue and come up with some strategies that I think can be helpful to faculty leaders, directors of centers, provost offices, and promotion and tenure committees working to motivate and regard faculty work in this area.

During this pre-conference session I will provide an overview of these strategies and then break us up into three groups:

(a)  Those just getting started and thinking about “small-win” ways they might support faculty

(b) Those who are far along in getting engaged scholarship and support for service-learning into their promotion and tenure guidelines and need ways to help promotion and tenure committees assess the quality of the work and

(c)  A group somewhere in the middle between these two extremes, looking for some non-promotion and tenure-related strategies and guidance as it relates to promotion and tenure

I will provide lots of examples and we will strategize together about what works and does not. We will discuss the thorniest issues you face and the “stickiest” supports you might put in place that would outlast your leadership and provide long-term scaffolding for community engagement.

 I hope you consider joining me for this session.

All the best, KerryAnn

Early-bird registration ends, May 1, 2017. Click here to access our online registration system.
To obtain this rate, you must book your room by Tuesday, May 16, 2017. RESERVE ONLINE HERE