Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 3.87 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Seven Ways

October 20, 2015 Kelci Webb

As midterms, holidays, and then finals are right around the corner it is no surprise that many students on campuses throughout the country are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. We hear all of the time that we are more than a degree, but it is hard to shake that thought when you have 2 papers, 3 tests and a project to prepare for that could all ruin your GPA if you bomb them. Everyone could use some peace and quite. The good news is you don’t have to spend a whole day doing so. You can find peace in the smallest things. These 7 ways to find peace can change your day around and brighten your outlook:

1) Be happy with what you have - If you keep striving for more and more and more all of the time you will never step back and truly appreciate what you have. Enjoy the moment & enjoy what you have been given. 

2) Yoga – Regardless of what religion you claim yoga is a perfect way to calm down and take some time for yourself . Some people think that you have to pray or completely meditate, but for me it’s just nice to have 30 minutes of slow breathing, slow music and slow thinking. Through the day as students we are running and going.      

3) Admire nature around you – When I take just 10 minutes to sit outside breathing in the air and just looking at the trees, the sky, and the flowers I feel so much better. When I walk the dog that I am currently walking as a side job, I just feel less anxious and more joyful. There is a lot to learn about peace from nature and our lovely animal friends. 

4) Life is not that serious - Really life isn't as serious as we try to make it. We expect more out of ourselves than most people do. We require more of ourselves and stress out ourselves, but for what? We live and we die.... that's the sad truth. When it comes to the level of life living in a shack on the beach or owning a Fortune 500 company have the same kind of value as long as you are happy and living the life that you want to. Just live. Just be. 

5) Love - If you have love in your heart you don't need anything else really. As the Beatles would say, “All you need is love”. We should focus on practicing compassion and tolerance to every person we encounter. Smile and be kind. I always feel better when I can brighten someone’s day just by a small compliment or uplifting conversation.

6) Read - There is no better way to be at peace than to read. Reading will fill you with so much knowledge that is invaluable. The stories that are in books can make you turn off the switch on your daily problems and just focus on what you are reading. There is nothing like getting home, making some tea, and reading a great book. 

7) Be in the NOW - How can you be at peace with your life if you are too focused on things that have already happened or on the things that could happen? The past has already happened and it cannot be changed. The future is fiction as far as you know. You don't know the plans that are in your future and you do not need to worry about them. The only thing you need to worry about is the present. So clear your mind, take some time and enjoy the present you have been given.