Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 3.91 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

So you’ve signed up for everything...

September 28, 2016 Elizabeth DiLoreto Assumption College

It’s quickly approaching that time of the semeseter when every possible club, activity, and event you’ve signed up for is really getting into the groove-- all while your classes are starting to pick up steam. Great. College is fantastic when it comes to trying new things and finding those few activities that really resonate with you, but the key word is few. Very often we find ourselves with a bit more than a few activities on our plates. For example, here is my schedule from the SECOND week of school this year.

I would like to point out that there are some things that I could not fit into my schedule, noted in the bottom right corner. All this is well and good, yet one of the most neglected parts of this weekly plan is the time for school. And isn’t that the main point of college? I still keep this in mind as I stayed up at hours not listed on said schedule completing work I wish I had completed before. That brings me to the second most neglected portion of this schedule, time to myself.

There are some things that cannot be changes in a schedule, such as class and meeting times, yet there are some things that can be implemented to maximize the little time one has.

  • Say no. It’s always good to try new things but there comes a point when there are physically not enough hours in the day to complete everything you want to do. There must come a point when enough is enough. Being able to realize this point and politely decline an event or program to maintain a productive state of mind is a good thing.
  • Take a nap. Our five year old selves would detest this suggestion, but if only nap times were built into the day as they once were. NASA found that if astronauts napped for 26 minutes, their productivity increased performance 34% and alertness 54% (Rosekind et al,, 1996). Perhaps we should act more like astronauts sometimes.
  • Eat a healthy snack. I know it’s hard to choose apples over chips sometimes so make it interesting and halfway healthy. I’ve recently been into frozen grapes and apple slices so it’s like a naturally sweet slushy. I’ve added chocolate as necessary because a bit of dark chocolate can be good for you because of its carcinogen fighting effects.
  • Create an awesome playlist. Movies are often accompanied by an epic soundtrack, so what if our lives were more like movies? Creating a playlist to coordinate with your mood can increase the productivity and enthusiasm that you give to any task. Take time to find your tune and your effort will show in your work.
  • Exercise. Now I’m not saying hit them gym for hours a day, but adding in just half an hour of physical activity can vastly improve one’s mood and help curb negative appetites.
  • Make a plan. For some, writing out a list of task, goals, and objectives helps keep them on track. For others, this list can quickly become overwhelming. Find what works for you and most importantly, focus on the task at hand. Do not get stuck on thoughts of the past or of the future, instead put effort into the present project.

While there are many small changes one can make throughout a day, the main point is to make time to provide self-care so the activities that would do complete by the end of the day truly reflect your whole ability that you can possess. 

Elizabeth DiLoreto is a senior hailing from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts. She represents Region I of the Student Advisory Committee. Elizabeth is completing her senior year with a Biology major, concentration in Neuroscience, and minor in Psychology.