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Execution Time: 7.03 ms
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Foundations in Wellbeing, Health Promotion, and the Collective Impact Framework

Division/Group Events

If wellbeing is the desired outcome, then success will require the health promotion process and an infrastructure built using the Collective Impact Framework. As wellbeing initiatives surface across the institution, last century hierarchical models of task forces, committees and specialty departments with a leadership directive to collaborate are finding mixed success. It takes the right combination of resources and skills to build an infrastructure that can measurably advance wellbeing on our campuses.

This three-part live webinar series will examine wellbeing as a measurable outcome, health promotion as a collaborative communal process, and the infrastructure needed for a Collective Impact Framework.



Part 1 | April 22, 2022 | 12-1pm EST:

What is the Collective Impact Framework (CIF)? Are you engaged in the Health Promotion Process and are Well-being Outcomes measurable?


Part 2 | April 29, 2022 | 12-1pm EST:

Where to start building a Collective Impact Framework? Are partner units aligning to a common agenda, working towards shared measurements and is there a backbone?


Part 3 | May 6, 2022 | 12-1pm EST:

A Case Study: What does this look like after four years in a higher education setting?



Registration for all sessions is open now and available here; registration for each session is open until day-of the respective session.

Please note that registration is free to current NASPA members only. Each session provides unique information covering an overview of content on the foundations of health promotion and applications of collective impact. Although attending each session is encouraged, information is not cumulative.

Presented By

Wellness and Health Promotion

Featured Speakers

Nikki Bauer, Director
Health Promotion and Wellness
Illinois State University
Chris Dawe, AVP for Health & Well-being
Northwest Missouri State University
Mary Jo Desprez, Director
Wolverine Wellness
The University of Michigan
Diane Medsker, Senior Learning & Dev. Specialist
Office for Health Promotion Strategy
University of Southern California
Paula Swinford, Director
Office for Health Promotion Strategy
University of Southern California
C. Oliver Tacto, Assoc. Director, Media & Assessment
Office for Health Promotion Strategy
University of Southern California