“It’s Not One Size Fits All”: Diversity Among Student Veterans

Student Success Adult Learners and Students with Children Enrollment Management Veterans Mid-Level Senior Level
December 30, 2015 Annemarie Vaccaro University of Rhode Island

Veterans are a growing subpopulation of students on college campuses. While writing proliferates about best practices and veteran-friendly suggestions (e.g., Carr, 2010; Cook & Kim, 2009; Lokken, Pfeffer, McAuley & Strong, 2009; McBain, Kim, Cook & Snead, 2013), only a small body of empirical research about contemporary student veterans exists. Much of this literature describes student veterans as a monolithic group, leading to “one size fits all” campus initiatives. In this paper, the voices of 11 student veterans explicate their perceptions of being homogenized while in college. In response to the stereotypes of sameness, participants offered rich descriptions of what they believed to be important differences among student veterans.