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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Title IX Certificate Program Spring 2024

Division/Group Events

This certificate program is a one-of-a-kind, individualized, hybrid online and synchronous learning experience for personnel at post-secondary institutions. This training course includes entirely updated videos, slides and additional modules based on the 2024 Title IX regulations. The training consists of three tracks: 1) Title IX Coordinators (including Deputies and Designees), 2) Title IX Decision-Makers (including for appeals)/Student Conduct Administrators, and 3) Title IX Investigators. Please note: the 2024 Title IX regulations mandate training for “any other persons who are responsible for implementing the recipient’s grievance procedures or have the authority to modify or terminate supportive measures.”

Training materials are available beginning Monday, June 3, 2024, and the deadline to complete all course modules is Thursday, June 27, 2024. All course materials will be available until December 31, 2024. 

Purchasing this Title IX training provides licensees with limited access to pre-recorded videos and live sessions with expert instructors in addition to training materials—PowerPoint slides and handouts.

The deadline to register for this course is Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Presented By


The new Title IX regulations were released in April 2024 with an implementation date of August 1, 2024, and include some training requirements similar to the previous regulations. However, many important aspects of Title IX regulations have been changed or expanded and will require Title IX operatives, including Title IX Coordinators (and Deputies/Designees, if any), Title IX Investigators, and Title IX Decision-Makers (including those hearing appeals), to receive updated training. In addition, this training is valuable for Student Conduct Administrators to learn how Title IX and student conduct policies may intersect and differ in important ways under the new Title IX regulations.

The NASPA Title IX Certificate Program consists of three training tracks:

  •        Track 1: Title IX Coordinators (and Deputies/Designees)
  •        Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators
  •        Track 3: Title IX Investigators


The release of the new Title IX regulations brings with it expanded choices for some institutions regarding the various roles student affairs administrators may play in Title IX compliance efforts on campus. For example, in certain jurisdictions, colleges may choose (and are permitted by the regulations) to use a single investigator model, which means the same person will investigate a matter and make a decision regarding responsibility. Other campuses will not choose to use that model, or are prohibited from doing so by law, and will continue to bifurcate the investigation and decision-making functions. Some campuses use a pool of staff who may be asked to serve as an investigator or a decision-maker, depending on the matter. In this vein, and to offer greater flexibility in training options, two training supplements* are available for registrants in the Decision-Maker/Student Conduct Training Track (Track 2) or the Investigators Training Track (Track 3) to add on to their training now or in the future:


  •        If you have historically served or will serve as a Title IX Decision-Maker (or are a Student Conduct Administrator) but you may be asked to do investigations in the future or would like investigator training, register now for the Decision-Maker/Student Conduct Administrator Track (Track 2) and you will have the opportunity to add on the Investigations for Decision-Makers Supplement, which provides additional training on investigations only, now or at a later date.


  •        If you have historically served or will serve as a Title IX Investigator, but your institution is contemplating moving to a single investigator model where the investigator also makes a determination of a policy violation, register now for the Investigator Track (Track 3) and you will have the opportunity to add on the Decision-Making for Investigators Supplement, which provides additional training on decision-making only, now or at a later date.


*Please note: These training supplements are only available to those who are registered to attend the new NASPA Title IX training program on the requirements of the 2024 Title IX regulations. These supplements will be offered again in conjunction with future Title IX training cohorts, and those who register for Track 2 and Track 3 training will be notified of the availability of these supplements in the future if you elect not to take supplemental training now.


As with NASPA’s previous Title IX trainings, and in accordance with the new regulations that stipulate a Title IX Coordinator may also serve as a decision-maker or an investigator, Title IX Coordinators receive training in all three tracks to ensure they are prepared for ultimate oversite of the Title IX system on their campus, but also to prepare them to serve in other roles if necessary. 


NASPA is pleased to continue collaborating with Peter Lake and other experts in the field to provide a comprehensive training tailored to the various roles on campus related to Title IX compliance. This training program is a one-of-a-kind, individualized, hybrid online and synchronous learning experience designed to assist administrators in getting up to speed on all facets of the 2024 Title IX regulations and to make sure your campus is ready to comply with the new regulations on August 1, 2024.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment

After attending this training, all participants will be provided with a certificate, indicating that they have demonstrated understanding of:

  •        The requirements of their role within the 2024 Title IX regulations issued by the Department of Education.
  •        Their institution’s obligation under §106.44 to address sex discrimination and what constitutes an “education program or activity.”
  •        Important definitions, including the scope of conduct that constitutes sex discrimination, the definition of “sex-based harassment” and what constitutes “consent.”
  •        The mandated Title IX grievance procedures under § 106.45 and § 106.46, including all applicable notification and information requirements under §§ 106.40(b)(2) and 106.44.
  •        The types of evidence considered or encountered in the Title IX grievance process, including what constitutes “relevant” evidence and what evidence is impermissible.
  •        How to ask appropriate and relevant questions in investigations and/or hearings.
  •        The roles of advisors in the Title IX process.
  •        The importance of maintaining a Title IX process free from bias, partiality, sex stereotypes, and conflicts of interest.
  •        Records management, FERPA, and the importance of privacy and confidentiality.
  •        Definitions and implementation of “supportive measures” and “remedies” under Title IX.
  •        Pregnant and parenting issues.
  •        Intersections between Title IX and the Clery Act, Title VII, disability, and other applicable laws.

Each specific track contains mandated training as outlined in §106.8(d)(1), (2) and (4) of the 2024 Title IX regulations. In-depth training for those who facilitate informal resolution processes under §106.8(d)(3) is offered in a separate NASPA training program.

It is important to keep up-to-date on Title IX training. As stated in §106.8(d), Title IX Coordinators (and Deputies/Designees), Investigators, and Decision-Makers (including those hearing appeals) must “receive training related to their duties under Title IX promptly upon hiring or change of position that alters their duties under Title IX . . . and annually thereafter.”

All pre-recorded online video modules have an assessment component; all required module assessments must be completed before a certificate will be awarded.


Training Track Details

Training Track Details


The listings of video training modules included with each track are detailed below. These video modules can be viewed asynchronously in your own space and at your own pace. However, please be advised, once you start a module, you must complete that module. If you exit out of the module, you will have to start over at the beginning. Therefore, please make note of the module length before starting a module. Again, you will have to pass an assessment before completing the module. You must complete all video module assessments before you will receive a certificate for your training track. You will be given two attempts to complete the assessments successfully.


In addition to the pre-recorded video training modules, there are live training sessions offered on the dates below. The live training sessions will be used for skill-building exercises, small-group case studies, examining hot spot issues, and receiving Title IX-related updates. These live sessions are your chance to interact with the program instructors. Attendance is taken at the live sessions. However, if you cannot attend the live session(s) on the date(s) below, you will be given access to a video recording of the live session and you must watch the video in its entirety in order to receive your certificate.


[DISCLAIMER: The pre-recorded video training modules are currently in development by the NAPSA Title IX Certificate Program training team. The exact topics and duration listed for the training tracks and individual modules below are subject to change. Video training modules will be available to the cohort on a rolling basis, with the first batch of modules released on Monday, June 3, 2024.] 

Track 1: Title IX Coordinators

This track is designed for Title IX Coordinators (and their Deputies or Designees) and is the most comprehensive of the certificate program. This track is appropriate for the senior Title IX officer, Deputy Title IX Coordinator or other designee at an institution or system, or any other senior-level administrators who provide oversight for the Title IX function at an institution or system.

NOTE: For those participants who have previously completed the entire NASPA Title IX Coordinator Training Track and received the certificate after January 1, 2023, the modules below denoted with *** are optional (but recommended). All modules not denoted with *** are required, including participation in the live sessions. You will still have access to all training material for both the required and optional modules.

For all others, all modules and live sessions are required to achieve the Title IX Coordinator training certificate.

Duration: Approx. 33 hours total
(However, for those who completed this NASPA Title IX Coordinator training track after January 1, 2023, there are approximately 22 hours of mandatory instruction and 11 hours of optional, but recommended, instruction.)
Audience: Title IX Coordinators and Deputies/Designees
Format: Video Modules and 3 Live Virtual Sessions

See below for details on pre-recorded training modules and live virtual session dates and times. 

Recorded Sessions

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Explanation of the Three Title IX Training Tracks and Supplements
  •   What is Title IX? What is its mission?
  •   Brief Overview and Key Features of the 2024 Regulations
  •   Training Mandates
Important §106.2 Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment (90 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   In-Depth Examination of Definitions in §106.2
  •   Sex-Based Harassment Nuances
Consent and Unwelcomeness (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   What is consent?
  •   How to define consent? Unwelcomeness?
  •   What is affirmative consent?
The Critical Role of the Title IX Coordinator (75 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   The Regulatory Requirement to Have a Title IX Coordinator.
  •   Training Requirements

- §106.8(a)

- §106.8(d)

- §106.8(f)

- § 106.40(b)(3)

- §106.44(f)

- Other necessary training?

  •   The Evolution of the Title IX Coordinator Role
  •   Title IX Coordinator as Investigator/Decision-Maker?
  •   Formal Complaints
  •   Gatekeeping
  •   Complaint Dismissals
  •   Pregnancy and Parenting Obligations
  •   Monitor Barriers to Reporting/Prevention
  •   Implementation of Supportive Measures and Remedies
  •   Equity in Employment
  •   Equity in Admissions
  •   Equity in Athletics
The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   The Role of the Investigatior
  •   The Role of the Decision-Maker
  •   Overlaps in Roles/Blurred Lines
Detailed Overview of Title IX Mandates, Including Grievance Processes (120 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   § 106.10 Scope
  •   § 106.11 Application
  •   § 106.31 Education Programs or Activities
  •   § 106.44 Recipient’s Response to Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.45 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.46 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex-Based Harassment Involving Student Complainants or Student Respondents at Postsecondary Institutions
  •   § 106.71 Retaliation
Title IX Intersections with Other Laws (60 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Each Body of Law / Where to Find Bodies of Law, including:

- Title VII

 - Disability Law

 - Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

 - Clery Act

  •   Your Role in Identifying Legal Intersection Issues
Trends in Title IX Caselaw and Related State Legal Mandates (120 mins) ***

Topics include:

  •   Foundations of Title IX Jurisprudence (SPCT)
  •        DI (Davis) & Retaliation (Jackson)
  •   Respondent Causes of Action
  •        Erroneous Outcome, Selective Enforcement v. Plausible Inference
  •        Highlight: Bias Found by Courts
  •   Importance of Knowing State Laws and State Requirements
  •   Basic Legal Research Techniques for Non-Lawyers
Developing Policies, Procedures and Practices (60 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Title IX Policy Mandates
  •   Title IX Policy Choice Points
  •   Important Resource from the Department of Education
  •   Conduct Intersections
Title IX Evidence Issues (60 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Relevance
  •   Reliability & Credibility
  •   Probative v. Prejudice
  •   Inculpatory v. Exculpatory
  •   Hearsay
  •   Expert Testimony
  •   Assessment
Interview Techniques for Title IX Investigations (120 mins) ***

Topics include:

  •   Set the Table
  •   Pre-Interview Questions
  •   How to Start the Interview
  •   Your Role
  •   Follow-Up and Clarifications
  •   Trauma-Informed
  •   Sense and Feel Questions
  •   Meet a Party Where They Are
  •   Evidence to Review
  •   New Issues Arising During an Investigation
  •   Witness Serving as Advisor
  •   Notetaking and Recording Devices
  •   Timelines and Mapping the Incident
Constructing an Investigative Report (60 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Scope of Investigation
  •   Overview of Allegations
  •   Relevant Policies and Definitions
  •   Jurisdiction
  •   Executive Summary of the Report
  •   Factual Information of the Investigation
  •   Interviews (Developing Questions, Timeline, Parties, Communication)
  •   Recordings/Transcripts
  •   Collected Evidence List When Received/How
  •   Completed Timeline
  •   Credibility Section
Title IX Live Hearing Proceedings (45 mins) ***

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Hearing Format
  •   Hearing Script
  •   Technology
Questioning in Decision-Making Processes /Live Hearings (45 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Form of Questions (Open-ended v. Leading)
  •   Decision-Maker Ruling on Questions
  •   Live Hearings vs. “Paper Hearings”
Essentials for Decision-Making (45 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   A way to write – IRAC
  •        Issue, Rule, Application of facts to rule (i.e. Rationales), Conclusion
  •   Fact-Pattern Examples
Bias, Conflict of Interest, Retaliation, etc. (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Definitions and Examples of:
  •        Bias/Prejudice
  •        Conflict of Interest
  •        Sex Stereotypes
  •        Favoritism
  •        Retaliation
The Roles of Advisors in the Title IX Process (45 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements 
  •   Informing of Right to Advisor (Chosen v. Appointed)
  •   Who may be an advisor?
  •   Roles of Advisor
  •   Advisor Forms
  •   Advisors in Hearings
  •   Assessment
Informal Resolution, Restorative Justice and Mediation (60 mins) ***

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Should we offer informal investigation procedures?
  •   Types of Informal Resolution
  •        Mediation
  •        Restorative Justice
  •        Shuttle Negotiation
Records Management, FERPA, Confidentiality and Privacy (75 mins) ***

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   FERPA Basics
  •   Intersections with Title IX
  •   Privacy
  •   Confidentiality
  •   Records Management/Recordkeeping
Supportive Measures and Remedies Under Title IX (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Implementation of Supportive Measures
  •   Implementation of Remedies
Pregnant and Parenting Issues (75 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Prior Support Materials Published by the Department of Education
  •   Title IX Case Law on Pregnancy/Parenting Complaints
  •   Troy University Resolution (Training, Survey, Tracking)
  •   Assessment 

Live Virtual Sessions

Live Session for Title IX Coordinators (3.5 hours)

Participants must view the sessions below prior to attending this live session: 

  • Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
  • Important Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment
  • Consent and Unwelcomeness
  • The Critical Role of the Title IX Coordinator
  • The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers
  • Detailed Overview of Mandated Title IX Grievance Processes
  • Legal Intersectionality: Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, VAWA, Disability, etc.
  • Trends in Title IX Caselaw and Related State Legal Mandates

This live virtual session will take place on:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Live Session on Decision-making in Grievance Procedures/Sexual Misconduct Procedures (3.5 hours)

This live virtual session will take place on:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Live Session on Investigations (3.5 hours)

This live virtual session will take place on:

Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators

This track is designed for student conduct staff and those who will be designated as Title IX Decision-Makers under the 2024 Title IX regulations. Title IX Decision-Makers are those who are charged with making a determination at the conclusion of a live hearing proceeding or “paper hearing,” distinct from the Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX Investigator. This track is also designed for those personnel hearing appeals. This track also specifically covers adjudication of sexual misconduct by student conduct administrators, for cases that are not covered by Title IX policy. 

Duration: Approx. 26.5 hours total
Audience: Title IX Decision-Makers (including those hearing appeals) and Student Conduct Administrators
Format: Video Modules and 1 Live Virtual Session

See below for details on pre-recorded training modules and live virtual session dates and times. 

Recorded Sessions

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  • Explanation of the Three Title IX Training Tracks and Supplements
  •   What is Title IX? What is its mission?
  •   Brief Overview and Key Features of the 2024 Regulations
  •   Training Mandates
Important §106.2 Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment (90 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   In-Depth Examination of Definitions in §106.2
  •   Sex-Based Harassment Nuances
Consent and Unwelcomeness (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   What is consent?
  •   How to define consent? Unwelcomeness?
  •   What is affirmative consent?
The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   The Role of the Investigatior
  •   The Role of the Decision-Maker
  •   Overlaps in Roles/Blurred Lines
Detailed Overview of Title IX Mandates, Including Grievance Processes (120 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   § 106.10 Scope
  •   § 106.11 Application
  •   § 106.31 Education Programs or Activities
  •   § 106.44 Recipient’s Response to Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.45 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.46 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex-Based Harassment Involving Student Complainants or Student Respondents at Postsecondary Institutions
  • § 106.71 Retaliation
Title IX Intersections with Other Laws (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Each Body of Law / Where to Find Bodies of Law, Including:
  •        Title VII
  •        Disability Law
  •        Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
  •        Clery Act
  •   Your Role in Identifying Legal Intersection Issues
Title IX Evidence Issues (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Relevance
  •   Reliability & Credibility
  •   Probative v. Prejudice
  •   Inculpatory v. Exculpatory
  •   Hearsay
  •   Expert Testimony
  •   Assessment 
Title IX Live Hearing Proceedings (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Hearing Format
  •   Hearing Script
  •   Technology
Questioning in Decision-Making Processes /Live Hearings (45 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Form of Questions (Open-ended v. Leading)
  •   Decision-Maker Ruling on Questions
Essentials for Decision-Making (45 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   A way to write—IRAC
  •        Issue, Rule, Application of Facts to Rule (i.e. Rationales), Conclusion
  •   Fact-Pattern Examples
Bias, Conflict of Interest, Retaliation, etc. (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Definitions and Examples of:
  •        Bias/Prejudice
  •        Conflict of Interest
  •        Sex Stereotypes
  •        Favoritism
  •        Retaliation
The Roles of Advisors in the Title IX Process (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements 
  •   Informing of Right to Advisor (Chosen v. Appointed)
  •   Who may be an advisor?
  •   Roles of Advisor
  •   Advisor Forms
  •   Advisors in Hearings
  •   Assessment 
Records Management, FERPA, Confidentiality and Privacy (75 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   FERPA Basics
  •   Intersections with Title IX
  •   Privacy
  •   Confidentiality
  •   Records Management/Recordkeeping
Supportive Measures and Remedies Under Title IX (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Implementation of Supportive Measures
  •   Implementation of Remedies
Pregnant and Parenting Issues (75 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Prior Support Materials Published by the Department of Education
  •   Title IX Case Law on Pregnancy/Parenting Complaints
  •   Troy University Resolution (Training, Survey, Tracking)
  •   Assessment 
Adjudication for Non-Title IX Conduct Officers (Part 1) (60 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Together/Apart—Conduct Officers as Decision-Makers
  •   Together/Apart—Conduct Officers as Investigators
  •   Together/Apart—Conduct Officers as Appellate Officers
  •   Value Added for Investigations/Decisions in Different Offices
  •   Appeals and Delegation of Appellate Officers
Adjudication for Non-Title IX Conduct Officers (Part 2) (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Intersection with CART/Threat Assessment/BIT
  •   State Law Considerations
  •   Off-campus Jurisdiction (in Title IX Policy and Code of Conduct)
  •   Emergency Removals
  •   Differences in Your Procedures (Here is what it was v. What it is)
  •   Organizational Misconduct
  •        Hazing/Title IX for RSO’s and Greek-Letter Organizations

Live Virtual Sessions

Live Session on Decision-Making in Grievance Procedures/Sexual Misconduct Procedures

The following modules must be viewed before attending tis live session:

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Important Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment
Consent and Unwelcomeness
The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers
Detailed Overview of Mandated Title IX Grievance Processes
Legal Intersectionality: Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, VAWA, Disability, etc.


This live virtual session will take place on: 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Track 2 Supplement: Investigation for Decision-Makers/Student Conduct Administrators

If you have historically served or will serve as a Decision-Maker in a live hearing proceeding (or will serve as a Decision-Maker in a “paper hearing”), or if you are a Student Conduct Administrator, but you may be asked to do investigations in the future or would like some investigator training, register now for the Decision-Maker/Student Conduct Administrator Track (Track 2) and you will have the opportunity to add on this supplement, which provides additional training on investigations only. If you are unsure if you need this supplement now, you can add the supplement at a later date when the NASPA Title IX trainings are offered again in the future. This supplement is only available to those who are currently registered for the new NASPA Title IX training program on the requirements of the 2024 Title IX regulations in Track 2.

Duration: 6.5 hours
Audience: Title IX Decision-Makers (including appeals) and Student Conduct Administrators
Format: Video Modules and 1 Live Virtual Session

See below for details on pre-recorded training modules and live virtual session dates and times. 

Recorded Sessions

Interview Techniques for Title IX Investigations (120 mins)

Topics include:

  •   Set the Table
  •   Pre-Interview Questions
  •   How to Start the Interview
  •   Your Role
  •   Follow-Up and Clarifications
  •   Trauma-Informed
  •   Sense and Feel Questions
  •   Meet a Party Where They Are
  •   Evidence to Review
  •   New Issues Arising During an Investigation
  •   Witness Serving as Advisor
  •   Notetaking and Recording Devices
  •   Timelines and Mapping the Incident
Constructing an Investigative Report (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Scope of Investigation
  •   Overview of Allegations
  •   Relevant Policies and Definitions
  •   Jurisdiction
  •   Executive Summary of the Report
  •   Factual Information of the Investigation
  •   Interviews (Developing Questions, Timeline, Parties, Communication)
  •   Recordings/Transcripts
  •   Collected Evidence List When Received/How
  •   Completed Timeline
  •   Credibility Section

Live Session

Live Session on Investigations

This live virtual session will take place on:

Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Track 3: Title IX Investigators

This track is designed for Title IX Investigators, or those individuals at an institution who have been designated to conduct sexual misconduct investigations. This track is tailored for individuals with responsibility for conducting Title IX investigations, separate from the Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX Decision-Maker. 

Duration: Approx. 16.5 hours total
Audience: Title IX Investigators
Format: Video Modules and 1 Live Virtual Session

See below for details on pre-recorded training modules and live virtual session dates and times.

Recorded Sessions

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Explanation of the Three Title IX Training Tracks and Supplements
  •   What is Title IX? What is its mission?
  •   Brief Overview and Key Features of the 2024 Regulations
  •   Training Mandates
Important §106.2 Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment (90 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   In-Depth Examination of Definitions in §106.2
  •   Sex-Based Harassment Nuances
Consent and Unwelcomeness (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   What is consent?
  •   How to define consent? Unwelcomeness?
  •   What is affirmative consent?
The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers (30 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   The Role of the Investigatior
  •   The Role of the Decision-Maker
  •   Overlaps in Roles/Blurred Lines
Detailed Overview of Title IX Mandates, Including Grievance Processes (120 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   § 106.10 Scope
  •   § 106.11 Application
  •   § 106.31 Education Programs or Activities
  •   § 106.44 Recipient’s Response to Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.45 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex Discrimination
  •   § 106.46 Grievance Procedures for the Prompt and Equitable Resolution of Complaints of Sex-Based Harassment Involving Student Complainants or Student Respondents at Postsecondary Institutions
  •   § 106.71 Retaliation
Title IX Intersections with Other Laws (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Each Body of Law / Where to Find Bodies of Law, Including:
  •        Title VII
  •        Disability Law
  •        Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
  •        Clery Act
  •   Your Role in Identifying Legal Intersection Issues  
Title IX Evidence Issues (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Relevance
  •   Reliability & Credibility
  •   Probative v. Prejudice
  •   Inculpatory v. Exculpatory
  •   Hearsay
  •   Expert Testimony
  •   Assessment
Constructing an Investigative Report (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Scope of Investigation
  •   Overview of Allegations
  •   Relevant Policies and Definitions
  •   Jurisdiction
  •   Executive Summary of the Report
  •   Factual Information of the Investigation
  •   Interviews (Developing Questions, Timeline, Parties, Communication)
  •   Recordings/Transcripts
  •   Collected Evidence List When Received/How
  •   Completed Timeline
  •   Credibility Section
Bias, Conflict of Interest, Retaliation, etc. (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Definitions and Examples of:
  •        Bias/Prejudice
  •        Conflict of Interest
  •        Sex Stereotypes
  •        Favoritism
  •        Retaliation
The Roles of Advisors in the Title IX Process (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements 
  •   Informing of Right to Advisor (Chosen v. Appointed)
  •   Who may be an advisor?
  •   Roles of Advisor
  •   Advisor Forms
  •   Advisors in Hearings
  •   Assessment
Records Management, FERPA, Confidentiality and Privacy (75 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   FERPA Basics
  •   Intersections with Title IX
  •   Privacy
  •   Confidentiality
  •   Records Management/Recordkeeping
Supportive Measures and Remedies Under Title IX (60 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Implementation of Supportive Measures
  •   Implementation of Remedies
Pregnant and Parenting Issues (75 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Prior Support Materials Published by the Department of Education
  •   Title IX Case Law on Pregnancy/Parenting Complaints
  •   Troy University Resolution (Training, Survey, Tracking)
  •   Assessment 

Virtual Session

Live Session on Investigations (3.5 hours)

The modules below must be viewed prior to attending this live session:

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Important Definitions, Including Sex-Based Harassment
Consent and Unwelcomeness
The Various Roles of Investigators and Decision-Makers
Detailed Overview of Mandated Title IX Grievance Processes
Legal Intersectionality: Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, VAWA, Disability, etc.


The live virtual session will take place on:

Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 

Track 3 Supplement: Decision-Making for Investigators

If you have historically served or will serve as an Investigator, but your institution is or will be using a single investigator model where the decision-maker makes a determination of a policy violation, register now for the Investigator Track (Track 3) and you will have the opportunity to add on this supplement, which provides additional training on decision-making only. If you are unsure if you need this supplement now, you can add the supplement at a later date when the NASPA Title IX trainings are offered again in the future. This supplement is only available to those who are currently registered for the new NASPA Title IX training program on the requirements of the 2024 Title IX regulations in Track 3.

Duration: Approx. 5.75 hours
Audience: Investigators
Format: Video Modules and 1 Live Virtual Session

See below for details on pre-recorded training modules and live virtual session dates and times. 

Recorded Sessions

Title IX Live Hearing Proceedings (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Hearing Format
  •   Hearing Script
  •   Technology
Questioning in Decision-Making Processes /Live Hearings (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   Form of Questions (Open-ended v. Leading)
  •   Decision-Maker Ruling on Questions
Essentials for Decision-Making (45 mins)

Topics include: 

  •   Overview of Regulatory Requirements
  •   A way to write—IRAC
  •        Issue, Rule, Application of Facts to Rule (i.e. Rationales), Conclusion
  •   Fact-Pattern Examples

Virtual Session

Live Session on Decision-making in Grievance Procedures/Sexual Misconduct Procedures (3.5 hours)

This live virtual session will take place on: 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session. 


NASPA individual members and Voting Delegates have access to member pricing for all NASPA events. If you are not a NASPA individual member, please visit our membership section to learn more about membership types and benefits. In many cases, an annual NASPA membership plus the event member registration fee are still less than the event non-member registration fee. We hope you’ll consider joining today!

Register here for Title IX Training Certificate: Title IX Coordinator Track

Register here for Title IX Training Certificate: Title IX Decision-Maker Sexual Conduct Track
(if you wish to add the Track 2 supplement module, you will be prompted during registration to purchase that module)

Register here for Title IX Training Certificate: Title IX Investigator Track 
(if you wish to add the Track 3 supplement module, you will be prompted during registration to purchase that module)




Group Discount Available

Register four, or more, individuals from the same institution and receive a 20% discount off the total registration amount! Registrants may register for any of the three tracks and must be currently employed at the same institution. Discount may only apply at time of group registration, and is not retroactive. For instructions on accessing this discount, please contact Jill Dunlap, Senior Director of Research, Policy, and Civic Engagement, with the names and titles of all registrants to be included in the discount. The registration deadline is Wednesday, June 5, 2024. 

Registration Fees: 

Track 1: Title IX Coordinators  
NASPA Member: $1,799 Non-Member: $1,999
Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators  
NASPA Member: $1,299 Non-Member: $1,499
Track 2 Supplement: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators  
NASPA Member: $319 Non-Member: $519
Track 3 Title IX Investigators  
NASPA Member: $999 Non-Member: $1,199
Track 3 Supplement: Decision-Making for Investigators  
NASPA Member: $299 Non-Member: $499

Policies and Contact Information

Contact Information
Registration Issues/Questions:

NASPA Main Office | (202) 265-7500
[email protected]

Program Questions/General Information:

Jill Dunlap, Senior Director of Research, Policy, and Civic Engagement | 
[email protected] | 
(202) 719-1196 
Payment Policies

To view NASPA's complete payment policies and procedures, click here.



Title IX Resources

Title IX Resources