Region IV-W

Region IV-W

Region IV-West is dedicated to serving the needs of NASPA members in what would broadly be described as the Midwest. Our goal is to provide members with a forum to address regional issues while providing specialized professional development and networking opportunities.

Message from the Regional Director

NASPA Region IV-West is one of the most diverse and expansive regions in all of NASPA. We pride ourselves in our multifaceted voices and welcoming culture. We focus primarily on our members leading the organization and the development of our members. Be a part of what makes IV-W special!



Regions provide an opportunity for NASPA members to connect with each other on a local level that’s unique to the organization. We take this responsibility seriously at Region IV-West and strive to continually develop new ways to grow our members with new professional development opportunities, strengthen the bonds between our institution members, and use our unique geographical perspective to address our local issues.


Region IV-West encompasses the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming; and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.


Region IV-West has a long history of wonderful leadership and has built a professional legacy that propels us forward faster into the future because of where we have been. Check back frequently, as we will be adding new categories and of course we are always moving forward, learning and growing.

History of the IV-West Gavel

Chester "Chet" Peters from Kansas State University carved the Region IV-West gavel. Chet retired from Kansas State in 1985 as the Vice President for Student Affairs after 38 years of service to students on that campus. He was the first Region IV-West Vice President, 1967 - 1968. He also served as the President of NASPA from 1971 - 1972.

Like his passion for creating a better environment for students at K-State, Chet also had a passion for wood carving. Like the students with whom he worked, each piece of wood with which he worked was unique. His wood sculptures and carvings are on display throughout the Kansas State campus.

Region IV-West is honored to have this uniquely carved gavel as the "official" gavel for each regional leader to cherish for their two-year term. For many years, Chet also carved a unique gavel for each incoming NASPA President from a piece of wood special to that President.

Dr. Peters will be remembered for being student-centered, compassionate, moral and highly respected. Students and staff members were moved by his warmth, gentle humor and caring attitude. His ability to extend an understanding of the real meaning of goodness as a human quality is his legacy to learning.

Chet Peters will long be remembered as the "father" of Region IV-West, and we have this gavel as constant appreciation of the leadership that he gave to NASPA.

Region IV-West Conference Locations
2029 TBA 1999 Omaha, NE
2028 TBA 1998 Wichita, KS
2027 Nebraska 1997 Albuquerque, NM
2026 Denver, CO 1996 Hot Springs, AR
2025 St. Louis, MO 1995 Rapid City, SD
2024 Albuquerque, NM 1994 Aspen, CO
2023 Oklahoma City, OK 1993 Lincoln, NE
2022 Chicago, IL (Joint IV-West & East Conference) 1992 Tulsa, OK
2021 Tulsa, OK 1991 Fargo, ND
Postponed: 2020 Chicago, IL (Joint IV-West & East Conference) 1990 Beaver Creek, CO
2019 Fargo, ND 1989 Kansas City, MO
2018 Wichita, KS 1988 Las Cruces, NM
2017 Lincoln, NE 1987 St. Louis, MO
2016 St. Louis, MO 1986 Denver, CO
2015 Beaver Creek, CO 1985 Omaha, NE
2014 Albuquerque, NM 1984 Afton, OK
2013 Hot Springs, AR 1983 Kansas City, MO
2012 Rapid City, SD 1982 Denver, CO
2011 Denver, CO 1981 Albuquerque, NM
2010 Omaha, NE 1980 Wichita, KS
2009 Santa Fe, NM 1979 Omaha, NE
2008 Tulsa, OK 1978 Tulsa, OK
2007 Little Rock, AR 1977 Albuquerque, NM
2006 Breckenridge, CO 1976 Denver, CO
2005 Kansas City, MO 1975 Osage Beach, MO
2004 Fargo, ND 1974 Osage Beach, MO
2003 Santa Fe, NM 1973 Osage Beach, MO
2002 Kansas City, MO 1972 Lake of the Ozarks
2001 Oklahoma City, OK 1971 Kansas City, MO
2000 Jackson Hole, WY 1970 Kansas City, MO


Student Affairs Graduate Programs in NASPA Region IV-W

Interested in pursuing a graduate degree? Click HERE to see a list of programs in Region IV-W


Call for Nominations is CLOSED!

Call for Nominations Deadline: August 2, 2024 at 11:59 PM CT

Individual Awards

NASPA IV-West Social Justice and Inclusion Award

This award honors a student affairs professional or faculty member who has demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion throughout their administrative or academic tenure.

The recipient of this award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the Bobby E. Leach Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award at the national level.  This award honors a student affairs professional or faculty member who has demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion throughout their administrative or academic tenure.

To be eligible to receive the award, each applicant must:

  • Have a strong and sustained record of professional and/or civic involvement in activities that promote diversity, and inclusion in education and/or the community

  • Be actively engaged in advocating for, and advancing, diversity and inclusion in the profession through one's administrative and/or academic work

  • Have a reputation for taking a stand on critical issues related to diversity, and inclusion even at risk to one's reputation and vocation

  • Be dedicated to creating a campus environment that is culturally diverse and accepting of differences

  • Be known as an individual whose work has "broken barriers" and in so doing has served as a role model, and helped to facilitate employment and educational access and opportunity, for others from diverse backgrounds

  • Be an active NASPA member

NASPA IV-West Distinguished Service Award

The recipient of this award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the Fred Turner Award for Outstanding Service to NASPA for the NASPA Annual Awards.  

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Volunteer service to NASPA via leadership roles at the state, regional, national, or international levels

  • Minimum of ten continuous years of NASPA membership

  • Active individual membership

  • Progression from entry-level to senior-level leadership roles within NASPA’s volunteer ranks

  • Involvement in multiple branches (e.g., Regions, Knowledge Communities, Divisions and Groups) of the association

  • Volunteer service that has had a significant impact on NASPA as an association.


NASPA IV-West Outstanding Mid-Level Professional Award

The recipient of the award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the Doris Michiko Ching Mid-Level Student Affairs Professional Award for the NASPA Annual Awards. 

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Have at least five years of experience as a full-time practitioner in the field of Student Affairs.

  • Professional responsibility for the direction, oversight, and/or supervision of one or more student affairs functional areas, and/or one or more professional staff members; and

  • Record of innovative programming that has had an impact on the home campus environment in one or more functional areas of student affairs; and

  • Volunteer service to the association via leadership roles at the state, regional, national, or international levels, and 

  • Active individual membership; and

  • Progression from entry-level to senior-level leadership roles within NASPA’s volunteer ranks.


NASPA IV-West Presidential Excellence Award

The recipient of the award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the President’s Award awarded by NASPA for the NASPA Annual Awards.

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Recognized by all constituencies as having special interest in student life for significant period of time

  • Consistently provides support for student affairs staff and initiatives

  • Active institutional NASPA membership

  • Record of publications, speeches, and remarks that recognize the value and importance of student life


NASPA IV-West Outstanding New Professional Award

This award is presented to a NASPA IV-West Member who meets the following criteria:

  • Has been in the profession of student affairs for less than five (5) years;

  • Has made significant contributions to their campus, the regional organization and the profession; and

  • Active individual membership. 


NASPA IV-West Outstanding Faculty Member Award

The recipient of the award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the Robert Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty member awarded by NASPA for the NASPA Annual Awards.  

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Tenured and teaching full-time in student affairs graduate preparation program; and 

  • Responsible for teaching graduate or professional school students who generally pursue careers in higher education administration and student affairs; and

  • Consistent and excellent mentorship of graduate students, several of whom have moved into responsible positions in higher education and student affairs; and 

  • Solid record of scholarly achievement in appropriate journals and publications; and

  • Active individual membership; and

  • Significant contributions to professional associations

James J. Rhatigan Outstanding Dean Award

The recipient of this award will be the Region IV-West nominee for the Scott Goodnight Award for Outstanding Performance as a Dean awarded by NASPA for the NASPA  Annual Awards.  (*Dean refers to any title that denotes the lead student affairs officer on campus).  

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Serves as home institution’s Chief Student Affairs Officer 

  • Seen as collaborative, effective, and inspirational by a range of campus constituencies

  • Strategic and innovative in providing programs and services to students

  • High level of competency in developing staff

  • Active individual membership

  • Exemplary managerial and administrative skills; and

  • Extended length of service to student affairs profession and as a Chief Student Affairs Officer; and

  • Leadership in greater campus and community affairs; and

  • Significant contributions to literature about student affairs and higher education; and

  • Significant contributions to professional associations

NASPA IV-West Community College Professional Award

This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated leadership and a commitment to NASPA and/or the profession. Student affairs professionals in all positions are eligible for this award. 

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations: 

  • Active involvement with the profession, NASPA, and Community College research, policies, or practice; at the regional level; 

  • Contributed to creating a campus environment that promotes student learning and personal development; 

  • Outstanding individual contribution to innovative and responsive services and programs that address varied and emerging needs of students; 

  • A minimum of five years’ experience in student affairs; and

  • Active individual NASPA IV-West membership. 


NASPA IV-West Support Staff Recognition Award

The following criteria will be used in evaluating nominations:

  • Recognized by all constituencies as having special interest in student success; and 

  • Consistently provides outstanding support to student affairs staff and initiatives; and 

  • Active institutional NASPA membership.

NASPA IV-West NUFP Champion Award

The award is presented to a NASPA IV-West member who meets the following criteria.  

  • Contributed to the NUFP program by serving as a NUFP mentor, providing advocacy for a campus-based NUFP initiative, or championing and supporting the NUFP program through other actions or activities;

  • Served as a champion for students from traditionally underrepresented and historically disenfranchised populations by hosting programs, providing professional development opportunities, or supporting other activities that advance campus, regional, or national NUFP initiatives; and

  • Active individual membership

NASPA IV-West AVP/Senior Level Student Affairs Professional Award

This award honors a student affairs professional at the AVP or senior-level whose outstanding commitment to the profession includes development of programs that address the needs of students, creation of a campus environment that promotes student learning and development, and support of and active engagement in NASPA.


  • Professional responsibility for the direction and oversight of two or more student affairs functional areas, and/or three or more professional staff members

  • Record of innovative programming that has had an impact on the home campus environment in more than one functional area of student affairs

  • Volunteer service to the association via leadership roles at the state, regional, national, or international levels

  • At least ten years of service to the student affairs profession or relevant functional area

  • Reports to the deputy or most senior student affairs officer on campus and is not the Vice President of Student Affairs

  • Active individual NASPA membership

  • Progression from entry-level to senior-level leadership roles within NASPA’s volunteer ranks

Rising Star Awards

The NASPA IV-West New Professional Rising Star Award

This award is presented to 5 new professionals who meets the following criteria: 

  • In the profession less than three (3) years; 

  • Employed in a full-time position with a Division of Student Affairs; 

  • Significant contribution to their campus; and

  • Preference given to masters-prepared individuals.

(NOTE: This differs from the regional Outstanding New Professional Award in that it does not require NASPA membership or NASPA service, and targets nominees who have been in the profession only three years or less)

The NASPA IV-West Graduate Student Rising Star Awards

This award is presented to 5 graduate students who meets the following criteria: 

  • Currently pursuing masters or doctoral work in a Student Affairs-related degree program, with intention of pursuing a career within Student Affairs (preference should be given to those enrolled on a full-time basis); 

  • Involvement in campus activities and organizations; 

  • Campus leadership; and 

  • Graduate Assistantship, paraprofessional or internship employment within a Student Affairs Division.

The NASPA IV-West Undergraduate Rising Star Awards

This award is presented to 5 undergraduate students who meets the following criteria:

  • Involvement in campus activities and organizations; 

  • Current enrollment in an undergraduate program with junior or senior status; 

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; 

  • Campus leadership; 

  • Paraprofessional employment with a Division of Student Affairs; and

  • Intentions of pursuing a Student Affairs-related advanced degree.

Program and Publication Awards

NASPA IV-West Innovative Program Award

This award is presented to the institutions who have developed and implemented programs which result in improved educational activities, services, or management for an individual campus community or group of campus communities. 

Criteria include: 

·         involves collaboration with the other university departments; 

·         can be adopted by other institutions; 

·         demonstrates financial creativity or cost effectiveness; 

·         contains an evaluation component - evidence of effectiveness; 

·         encourages diverse and/or multiple subgroups to participate; and 

·         addresses a demonstrated need on campus. 

To nominate a program for the Regional Innovative Program Award, complete the "Award Nominee" section by indicating the name of the Innovative Program and the "Person Making the Nomination" section. Include the description or information about the program under the Supporting Letter 1. Attach a pdf file or a link to the program as Support Letter 2. No additional supporting letters are needed unless the nominee would like to submit additional letters of support. 

Publication Awards

The awards are presented to institutions who have developed outstanding materials which contribute significantly to the field of Student Affairs. Awards may be made in three categories:

  • Campus-Based Publication Award 
  • Campus-Based Literature/Research Award publications (coincides with the Outstanding Contribution to Literature and/or Research at the national level); and
  • Campus-Based Video/Computer Software Award

To nominate a program for a Regional Publication Award, complete the "Award Nominee" section by indicating the name of the publication and the "Person Making the Nomination" section. Include the description or information about the publication under the Supporting Letter 1. Attach a pdf file or a link to the program as Support Letter 2. Resumes of the authors of the literature/research publication nomination must also be included as an attachment. No additional supporting letters are needed unless the nominee would like to submit additional letters of support. 

Complete Your Profile

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Get Involved

NASPA Regions are run and supported entirely by the continued hard work and contributions of our volunteers. Region IV-West offers numerous volunteer positions and opportunities for our members to become involved. Whether it’s taking on a leadership role or helping out at a drive-in, there’s something for everyone.

Contact the Regional Director for more information!


The Regional SERVE (Supporting, Expanding, and Recruiting Volunteer Excellence) Program is mirrored from the NASPA National SERVE Academy. It is our role as an Association to help our members feel a connection to the region and Association, a sense of belonging, and purpose for your membership. This Region IV-West SERVE Program engages NASPA Region IV-West members at all levels (graduate students, new professionals, mid-level professionals, senior-level professionals, and faculty members) in a cohort experience of learning about NASPA and Region IV-West, connecting with a seasoned NASPA Region IV-West volunteer leader as a mentor, and developing and implementing a cohort project that will give back to the Region in support of a strategic priority. The Region IV-West SERVE participants will meet monthly via Zoom from December through September to learn more about NASPA and Region IV-West and then design & implement a project as a cohort to better NASPA Region IV-West.


For questions or more information, please contact Dr. Lori Lander, Region IV-West Past Regional Director, at [email protected]

2020-2021 Cohort

2020-2021 SERVE Academy Cohort

Alma Hidalgo, Program Manager at the Rudd Foundation. Alma will be mentored by Dr. Sara Mata, Research Associate at the University of Oklahoma.

Michelle Marshall, Student Success Coach at Philander Smith College. Alma will be mentored by Dr. Precious Porras, Assistant Vice Provost, Diversity & Equity and Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs at the University of Kansas.

Christopher Miofsky, Assistant Director of Student Involvement & Development at Washburn University. Christopher will be mentored by David Adams, Dean of Students at Tulsa Community College.

Haydee Reyes, Multicultural Admissions Counselor at Fort Hays State University. Haydee will be mentored by Dr. Thomasina Ortiz-Gallegos, Vice President for Student Success at Santa Fae Community College.

Kelly Westeen, Director of University Perspectives at the University of Arkansas. Kelly will be mentored by Amy Sellers, Transition Services and Early College Program Coordinator at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus

2019-2020 Cohort
  • Keidron Dotson, Director of Enrollment Services at Tulsa Community College. Keidron will be mentored by Dr. Brad Patterson, Vice President for Student Affairs & Student Success at Henderson State University.
  • Dr. Bruce Douglas, Coordinator of Student Engagement at Cloud County Community College. Dr. Douglas will be mentored by John Fincher, Assistant Vice President for Division Operations at the University of Central Arkansas.
  • Aaron Flynn, Assistant Director of the Memorial Union Facilities & Operations at the University of North Dakota. Aaron will be mentored by Josh Maples, Assistant Director of Residential Life at Missouri Western State University.
  • Hayley Hull, Senior Academic Advisor at Aims Community College. Hayley will be mentored by Kassey Steele, Director of Student Life at Tulsa Community College-Northeast Campus.
  • Binaya Joshi, Application Administrator at Creighton University. Binaya will be mentored by Dr. Vince Bowhay, Director of Career Development at Missouri Western State University.
  • Chelsea Lairamore, Coordinator of Student Leadership at Arkansas Tech University. Chelsea will be mentored by Danielle Bristow, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs for the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
  • Kristeena LaRoue, Associate Director of the Disability Resource Center & the Access Technology Center at Missouri State University. Kristeena will be mentored by Amy Pennington, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator at Arkansas Tech University.
  • Stephanie Martensen, Assistant Director of Counseling Services at Missouri University of Science & Technology. Stephanie will be mentored by Dr. Heather French, Vice President for Student Affairs at St. Louis College of Pharmacy.
  • Bobbi Muehlenkamp, Area Director for Learning Commons at Mid-Plains Community College. Bobbi will be mentored by Alyssa Wendel, Academic Advisor at Kansas State University-Polytechnic.
  • Dr. Veronika Salazar, Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement at Henderson State University. Dr. Salazar will be mentored by Dr. Lois Flagstad, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Affairs at Black Hills State University.
  • Shannon Schwaebler, Director of Career Services at Northeastern State University. Shannon will be mentored by Amy Long Schell, Associate Director of the Student Involvement & Leadership Center at the University of Kansas.
  • Megan Speck, Student Support Services Manager for the College of Pharmacy at the University of New Mexico. Megan will be mentored by Dr. Precious Porras, Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity & Equity/Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of Kansas.
  • Jennifer Sprague, Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs at the University of Kansas. Jennifer will be mentored by Jennifer McDannold, Coordinator of Student Orientation & Transitions at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
  • Thomas Strahan, Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Arkansas Tech University. Thomas will be mentored by Dr. John Howe, Associate Dean of Students at the University of South Dakota.
2018-2019 Cohort
  • Dr. Evette Allen, Director of the Multicultural Center and Non-Traditional Student Services at Arkansas State University. Dr. Allen will be mentored by Dr. Veronica Riepe, Director of Student Involvement at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Dalton Brasington, Coordinator of Student Engagement for the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy at the University of Oklahoma. Dalton will be mentored by Ryan Gove, Director of Student Life at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
  • Patrick Bussiere, Graduate Assistant for Student Senate at the University of Northern Colorado. Patrick will be mentored by Dr. Thomas Lane, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students at Missouri State University.
  • Josh Doak, Assistant Director of Student Life at Baker University. Josh will be mentored by Joshua Alvarez, Assistant Director of Support and Safety Assessment at Colorado State University.
  • Aubrey Holt, Director of Campus Life at Arkansas Tech University. Aubrey will be mentored by Dr. Cassie Gerhardt, Associate Dean of Students at the University of North Dakota.
  • Karina Knutson, Associate Director of Wellness Promotion at the University of North Dakota. Karina will be mentored by Mary Alice Serafini, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Executive Director of the Pat Walker Health Center at the University of Arkansas.
  • Chris Lord, Assistant Director of Alcohol and Other Drug Programs at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Chris will be mentored by Dr. Brent Marsh, Vice President for Student Affairs at Rogers State University.
  • Bradley Luthe, Assistant Director of Residence Life at Pratt Community College. Bradley will be mentored by Richard Monroe, Coordinator of Campus Life and Leadership at Metropolitan Community College-Blue River.
  • Finnley Maier, Graduate Assistant for Fraternity & Sorority Life at North Dakota State University. Finnley will be mentored by Dr. Teresa Clounch, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator at Fort Hays State University.
  • Stephanie Ross, Academic Advisor for the Trulaske College of Business at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Stephanie will be mentored by Dr. Carrie Petr, Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students at Doane University.
  • Brian Street, Coordinator of Student Activities at Rogers State University. Brian will be mentored by Charles Keefer, Director of Student and Residence Life at Pratt Community College.
  • Dominque Thomas, Student Success Advocate and Experience Facilitator for the Charles W. Donaldson Scholars Program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Dominque will be mentored by Allan Ford, Title IX Coordinator at Northeastern State University.
2017-2018 Cohort
  • Heather Brake, Assistant Director of Residence Education at Arkansas State University. Heather was mentored by Dr. Keegan Nichols, Vice President for Student Services at Arkansas Tech University.
  • Andrew Brown, Assistant Director of the Hansen Leadership Institute at Doane University. Andrew was mentored by Dr. Jerrid Freeman, Vice President for Student Affairs at Northeastern State University.
  • Lindelle Fraser, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs at Arkansas Tech University. Lindelle was mentored by Dr. Lois Flagstad, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Affairs at Black Hills State University.
  • Farah Habli, Doctoral Student/Graduate Assistant for the School of Education at Saint Louis University. Farah was mentored by Jennifer McDannold, Enrollment Coordinator at Baptist Health College-Little Rock.
  • Joshua Maples, Residence Hall Director at South Dakota State University. Joshua was mentored by Dr. Eric Grospitch, Vice President for Student Life at Washburn University.
  • Jesus Melendez, Program Coordinator for Leadership Development at Washington University in St. Louis. Jesus was mentored by David Adams, Director of Student Life at Tulsa Community College.
  • Kassey Steele, Director of Student Life at Tulsa Community College. Kassey was mentored by Dr. Shannon Breske, Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia.


One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page.

If you are interested in planning an event for the Region, you must contact the Regional Director.



The Region IV-West Cabinet oversees the various operations of the Region as well as representing the state organizations within Region IV-West and coordinating with the Knowledge Communities.

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